Wednesday, April 11, 2012

God on Facebook and Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve

First of all, a confession: this is not a call to arms (or post) to change the world though I'd be tickled pink if I can do exactly that. You can find a gazillion articles online on that. Though this post is more like a monologue or self-talk judging by the number (yeah, low) of readers of this blog, I am writing also for anyone like me who sometimes struggles on this particular issue.

I often ask myself: why bother posting about how wonderfully good God is in a virtual world that has everything from a beautifully polished nail to irreverent photos of the dead? Sometimes you will find yourself wondering also, especially if some of your more saintly friends are laying low or have a busier and active lives to live extra-digital that they're almost non-existent on FB.

Is it okay to praise God and express your reflections on Facebook and other social media?

Go ahead, you can 

Okay, what's the shortest and vague post you've read?  Out of 10 posts you read everyday, how many can make a significant impact on your life? My point is not that a photo of McDonald's spaghetti or somebody's bored doggie is silly and shouldn't occupy your FB space at all. (Believe me, these can brighten your day in ways unimaginable sometimes). What I'm trying to say is that others are posting anything they fancy.  So surely you can post a thing or two about today's answered prayers or touching homily, right?

Free will is in effect here, you know. Don't forget, you're in the company of friends. Not everyone may have the same faith as yours but anyone can disagree and "unlike" (silently, I hope...and if ever publicly, may they be gentle and kind).

The SMS revolution started it and now it's stronger than ever - the power to put your thoughts in this tiny little box that you push by pushing Post. Even the word Share now has another meaning. No need to tease friends with "a penny for my thoughts" because they can (instantly and without hesitation) tell you what they think and feel at any moment. Thanks to cellphone cameras and Net-ready cellphone, they can do this anywhere, anytime and have neat images to prove it too.

So, if you feel in your heart how grateful you are for today and how loving God is then go ahead, post it.

Keep on doing should

What about posting off-season? You know, what if it's not Christmas nor Easter? In fact, you're in the middle of summer and there are posts about beaches, movie releases, vacations...tall glasses of drinks with tiny umbrellas.  You found this great video about the joys of being young but not doing pre-marital sex. Should you post it?  How about a link to a nice little photo that says God forgives or let's all pray for world peace?

I don't have the statistics on suicide on Facebook or YouTube but we all agree that one incident is downright alarming. When one is so depressed and thinking horrible thoughts a cover photo of bikini-clad tourists in Boracay (even if these are our very good friends) doesn't work; neither does a Bruno Mars video. At any given instant, there is a possibility that you can save a life or light a candle on the dark night of one soul with a post about the gift of life despite its quirks and how Jesus can turn a person's life around. (I don't mean to say that some of our friends have the tendency; I'm saying not everyday is a happy day and for any kind of day, a friend may be logging in on Facebook.)

But what about the posts you read? Should you start de-friending those that do not "talk your talk" or post your post?

Oh what about it? What's the point of sending positive and holy vibes on the Net if you're turning your back on your friends? Good for me I think I have the best set there is (smiling now); this is not a problem at all.  I'm not saying though that I like every little bit of things they say and do. I can only say they are probably the most liberal-minded Facebook buddies one can find and Oh such diversity. I must make an important statement here: these are my friends that I really care for and I'm always interested in what they're doing or thinking or feeling. I'm sure you feel the same. And this is the best reason why you and I should continue sharing our prayers, our joys and stories of everyday miracles with them.

The truth is, you should extend your friendship to as many people as possible. Now, more than ever, every person with an online presence can have a significant impact on another person online. We can share info and experiences that others can hear, watch and read in an instant. If it's quite unimaginable for you to walk on the streets and say to the person walking beside you how infinitely precious he is in the eyes of God, now thanks to the Internet you can do so with just a few clicks of the mouse and a few keystrokes.

Can you and I make a difference?

Yes, we can. Every kind of intent that you have, whether you want to start a war, make peace or just want to share a little of yourself (and your cute little kitten) matters. If this is not the case, Facebook and other social media are humongously ridiculous. Now, you and I know too well how important it is that we do what we do with LOVE. That's the ultimate Terms and Conditions or policy in one word. Everything is packed tightly in love coz after all, God is love. (No matter how corny this phrase may sound, even any effort to disagree is possible only because God is.)

Finally, a word about our Sponsor.

Talking about where to talk about God is really silly. Is God inside the church only? God is up close and personal  and everywhere (analog or digital), the same Supplier of energy that fuels every movement of bodies (yours, mine, everyone else's) and every movement of bits and bytes inside this computer. The clump of cells called fingers that are yours, the eyes that see, and the mind that reads this post - all these are ultimately from God and none are truly mine or yours.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Way of the Cross: Random Thoughts (Prayers and Otherwise)

Starting summer right away
with this long walk with the boys,
Way of the Cross Good Friday 2012
It's another year many years have gone by and how many Holy Weeks like this have I seen? Too many to count. I am 45; and I am not exaggerating when I say I've seen it all. (True, somewhere in the past there was at least one Good Friday that I was dead drunk and staring at a semblance of Hell.)

So here we are again. Another Good Friday and it's not so different - a diet of fish and food stuff for my boys - something to munch while watching some good movies at home. For the past two years, though, we have changed our routine a little bit. Our lives have changed, you can tell. This year, I thought I'd want to participate in the Way of the Cross. And by popular demand (meaning two out of two) the boys are coming along with a promise not to turn this activity into a picnic or a parade.

What does one think during a one hour and a half walk? I honestly didn't know. In front of my PC I think of a thousand little things and still get bored.

Thursday 11:30 am  Really, Lord, just a few more minutes on this task and then I'll hit the sack. (Yes, Maundy Thursday was business as usual for me. Don't laugh. I know I am a home-based worker...this shouldn't have happened.) The boys have gone to bed early in anticipation of the walk. It has been a very tiring week for me so far - but I want this walk for whatever good it can do for my soul and, frankly, for my body.

Good Friday 3:45 am  Oh, I'm up before the alarm clock...which means I gotta go (feeling a teeny weeny bit of regret. Yeah, sure, for a minute I toyed with the idea of begging off). Should I wake the boys up? I don't have to drag them into this. If only I can slip away quietly....

Good Friday 4:05 am Okay, I can be a good mother, invoke my authority and order them to go back to bed.  This isn't for kids. I really want time alone to pray and I don't want to be answering 1001 questions along the way. Besides, what kind of parent am I to take my children walking early morning?

Good Friday 4:30 am  Kids rule! Hey, I'm not that stupid after all. Look, there's a daddy with his two year old little girl. Lord, forgive us. Do we know what we're doing? In fairness, though, my boys are 9 and 10 years old and they couldn't sit on a chair for one hour even if you chain them to it.

Good Friday 4:31 am  Lord, you know my heart. It's not that loving, kind, generous etc.  I've heard from others 101 ways to say "I love you" and this may not be your favorite. But, I'm here to respond to an invitation which I trust is Yours truly. (I could be wrong though; this could be just me trying to think I can make up for my transgressions.)

Good Friday 4:40 am  Hello, is this supposed to be a marathon talk and walk with friends?  How can I pray when there are two ladies behind me giggling like they are about to do something wild or crazy? (Looking around) How many of us here are doing this for real anyway? These boys better behave or else....

Good Friday 5:10 am  Children are as innocent as they come. Perhaps they thought this is gonna be fun! (Warning them now "no talking nor doing funny stuff, pls) But kids always love adventures and the things that adults do seem like fun...make them feel like grown-ups.

God, if this is my way of saying sorry to you for my stupid mistakes why am I taking my kids with me and letting them pay for it too?

Parents, whether they like/admit it or not, pass on their good/bad stuff to their children. It may not be obvious at first but in the long run it will come out into the open. Alcoholics have at least one child who drinks liquor like water.  Parents who marry in their teens will have one adolescent child who gets pregnant or becomes a teenage dad.  Spot on, Lord, that passage in the Bible that says two to three generations will be cursed by their parents' sin.....unless....unless somebody takes a 360 turn.

My God, don't let this happen to my children. If there's anything I will pass on to them, Lord, let it be a life more holy and pleasing to you.

Good Friday 5:30 am  Wow, this pair of jeans is great for constant walking and occasional kneeling! But is it wise to bring a flashlight, cellphone, some keys and cold, cold water? My legs are heavier to drag because of these useless things in my pocket. I didn't have to bring cold water...lukewarm would be just right. Now the ice is melting and dripping on my sandals. How silly! Now, our hands are full and we are quite confused who's gonna hold what. Younger son says "you shouldn't have brought it. This tiny flashlight is dragging my pants down. Look Ma, sunrise".

Travel light! How many times did you say that, Lord? Your version was more profound, of course.  There's wisdom in going after the basic necessities of our provide for our families. And then we want more and more of the other things. Do we even need these stuff?  In the big picture of life the fancy things become excess baggage to carry. If only we have faith enough to trust you....

Good Friday 5:50 am How many stations of the cross have we passed by? Four or five?. I should have brought a prayer book just in case we are walking too far behind that we could not catch up with the community prayers. It should have been the first thing I made sure to bring.

Always be prepared - to pray on your own and to pray with others. When feeling lost, listen. Give me back my sense of direction, Lord, and let me trust in others to guide the way.  Surely, when working out my salvation with fear and trembling I need others to hold on to. First, my family and then my friends and community.

Good Friday 6:20 am  How far have we walked, Lord? The road was not straight and narrow but wide and crazy.  The distance has taken its toll on me but I am driven to keep walking as I see almost the same people I have seen when we started.

Young, old, serious, not-so-serious, looking disoriented, and feeling bored -a penny for your thoughts?

The voices of people who read the Gospel in every station have slowly changed into tired voices with a touch of sadness. Aren't we panting already?

Good Friday 6:40 am  My cross is now 3D, almost real. Cold sweat is dripping down my neck and no sweat at all on my boys' shirt! Still the same people, Lord, are walking with me all the way. What were we thinking when we started this?

I know no other way to commemorate this day.
I should go because it's just a one-time big-time sacrifice.
I'd lose 1-2 pounds walking this kind of walk.
How sorry I am for my sins, take this as a gesture of my repentance.
This long walk, Lord, is for my __________ may he/she _________________.

Whatever reasons we started with, at this point, they are blown away and we only feel life's pains, our suffering and loss of sense of direction. We need only You to teach us the way to carry our crosses - the cross of this moment and all the other crosses that we carry. Feeling the weakness in my knees and needing more air to breathe, I am ruthlessly reminded this is a minute fraction of the burden you have to put up with. If I were God, I would sooner zap all of mankind into nothingness than to go through the horrific walk you had to endure - all for love. And you did it even for people like me who go the distance to say sorry and recklessly break promises again and again.

Do I even deserve of your passion, Lord?. I am hopelessly imperfect and would instantly/constantly fall short of your greatness. But you - my God (the Father surrendering his Son, the Son who conquered the cross and death, and the Holy Spirit who opens our heart to the truth) came down from your glorious throne to show how much you love us - who are imperfect.

Lord, by your way to the cross you have shown us the true meaning of our existence.  Despite its ugliness, imperfections and neediness, you have graced it with your real presence and truth. Our loving God!

Good Friday 7:00 am  On the way home, while feeling a sense of peace and awe at how good this Good Friday turned out to be, my sons kept my feet on the ground by saying " was not tiring at all, it only made me a little sleepy."  Good God, don't let my pride take away the glory that is yours alone.

We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee, 
because by Thy holy cross, Thou hast redeemed the world!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Anniversaries and stuff: what's the point?

Is this post several weeks late? Look it's April 3, not February 14, silly. Also it's a Holy Tuesday but I'd soon get into that matter. For now, I am famished and cannot think of anything else but dinner. I have a confession to make: though I publicly swore all my life that I don't like flowers, fancy restaurants and other outward expressions of love I secretly think ex-boyfriends short-changed me in that area. And, I have fond memories of friends who take me to dinner - free!
spotted fish for you, dear

Admit it or not, we homo sapiens (I mean male and female) have a special place in our heart for anniversaries/special dates and the props that are associated with them.I can just imagine the first blush that Eve felt on her face when Adam brought the first catch of fish or mountain deer even when she has become bloated with the ninth child and suffering from a bad hair day. While there were no anniversaries then because there were no printing press to make calendar, I'm sure a lady would naturally think "oh my, he must love me; look at how lovely the tilapias are!" (Sorry I couldn't find a cuter photo).  

So- if you please, whether you're a man or a woman we can agree that it pays to have one day set aside in a year when we forget the rest of the world and just look at each other eyes - wife and husband, mother and child, friends and friends, bosses and staff. We have Valentine's Day, Mother's Day - we even have Horror Day or Halloween when we find time to talk about ghost and monsters like we're not afraid of them!

That's what love is all about, right? Don't you sometimes hate it when you get out of your way to express your affection and you are told "but, shouldn't you be doing this every day of the year!" Yes, it hurts to be told so even if it's true but you would think it would be nice to be appreciated for remembering.

Now all this talk about love and affection, gifts and the lack thereof, certainly has something to do with Lent and the Passion. Why? Because, this time of the year we are given paid holidays to go home to our provinces or stay home to to commemorate a very special series of events that is the ultimate expression of God's love for us. And I am writing this at the risk of being asked "what are you doing, are you p-r-e-a-c-h-i-n-g?"). Let's say I'm just exorcising the little demons in my head that says "who cares if it's holy week, you can be holy anytime of the year if you really want to". This is more like a contemplative exercise, the cyber version of it wherein I write a blog post but I'm not sure if anybody ever reads it aside from me).

Ah I remember not having any memory of a date like this
What's so special about special days anyway? Why do we take time to do something special? It's a pause, a hiccup or a break from the monotony of daily living. Surely, you love your spouse everyday no matter what but you don't always have the time to say that. Same with your friends, family and, of course with God. Once, I heard a friend say with the purest of intentions "you can acknowledge Christ in your life every day if you really want to." So true! Everyday is special - but some days are super special even if this is not exactly the day when the real thing happened. As I said, in the old days when there are only the moon and the stars to tell us the time, I'm sure people get it that there are days when they remember the very first sight of love, birth, and death. Remembrance!

There are also some who take issue with the sounds, activities and smells of the Holy Week. First in line is me, of course. I often asked what do candles, processions and church-hopping have to do with this week? Doesn't God love us enough already without us doing any of these stuff? As usual my kids gave me the answer when they brought home not-so-neatly hand-crafted Valentine's card that told me I am dearly loved as a mother. I could see the light shine in their eyes and it added to the awesomeness of the occasion - the joy little boys can feel when they're showing off their love to their mother. All the learning and skill they could learn in that simple activity. I can also understand perfectly the action of the woman in Matthew 26:6: 

"While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table." 

We all know the rest of the story. Would you do the same in the physical presence of God? Candles and dances are the same. If you have been to a worship service (in any denomination) you will remember that the first time was hilarious. I bet you didn't think you can bend, clap, jump, murmur, close your eyes, hum, sing aloud and say over over again "Praise God". If you stayed longer or come back often enough you will soon do all those stuff and you will really, really love it. Promise. 

Same thing happens with candles, processions, and vigils in our local churches. Surely, God who is perfect do not need any of these things. You also can sit down for hours and just pray if your heart tells you to do so. For most of us, we need some forms or expression of our faith and remembrance of God's Passion and surrender on the Cross. After all, even God had to utter the Word in Creation and gave His love in physical form - the Universe. And in the perfect act of love - the Incarnation and Death on the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Surely, this very existence is an outward expression of God's love. God could have just planted that in our heads like we're being brainwashed. No!  We are to listen and pay attention to what God is sayin'. 

So- in the same manner.. all the candles that we light, the distance what we walk, the Band-Aids that we used to protect our knees from hurting when we do the Station of the Cross....all the tears that we shed out of guilt for a year gone to waste doing things against God's grace - are important to God especially if we mean everything we said in our prayers. As promised, we will be forgiven yet again. We have the rest of the year and our lives to remain faithful.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

falling in love hook, line and sinker

I stumbled upon a love song (the Oscar Award winner "Falling Slowly" - from the Irish musical film "Once"; this one here is a cover). I cannot help but ponder on the ways some of its lines resonate with my thoughts and feelings these days. It starts with: "I don't know you but I want you all the more..."

Okay, first question: am I falling in love yet again? (giggles) Love has become such an overused/abused word that we want to take extra care with it especially in this kind of blog (don't scroll down slowly please).

Here's my answer.  No, I'm not - if you're talking about love that usually brings out warm feelings and makes my cheeks pink. Close friends of mine, are you disappointed and prepared to get bored? Wait! Yes, in fact, I am in love. No, butterflies in the stomach though. No, sleepless nights in bed and reading text messages in the dark. There's only a kind of hunger that cannot be filled by midnight snacks (read: a box of dark chocolates) or a kind of thirst that a bottle of Coke Sakto cannot quench. It's so like that first line above. What I know is too small...almost like I don't know anything at all but I want (You) all the more for that. It reminds me of "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known...."?  (1 Cor.13:12)

Oh, this post (my first this year/season!) is now fast becoming another testimony that some of us do not really want to read because of bad timing. Love stories, however, are more often welcome anytime of the day. I have heard love stories while riding the MRT, waiting for my residence tax certificate or having my hair trimmed in a beauty salon and it's not only because I have big ears. We laugh, giggle or tease when it's love we're talking about. Sometimes, we even cry over it alone or with friend(s) plus a few bottles of beer.

Isn't life all about love? So many times, we are broken-hearted because of people rejecting us. So- this time I'm going for Love with the capital "L":

"..LOVE of which all other loves speak, the Love which is joy and beauty, and which you have sought in a thousand streets and for which you have wept and clawed your pillow.” - Thomas Howard, Christ the Tiger

Lovers may leave, relatives will soon die, friends may betray, and strangers can be cruel but there's One who stays and never leaves but this we do not easily see, taste, smell, hear and touch even if we're told we can. Some of us may argue about what our senses can tell us and if they point to the real presence of true Love - in Person.

With the musicians, now I sing: "Take this sinking boat and point it home. We've still got time..."

Many of us have found this LOVE.  Don't let Him be the one that we run away from.....  For those looking, hey.....hey....just stop for a second and breathe...really breathe, feel your heart too...why are you here? (Not on this page, silly; I'm talking about this life...this existence).  It's all because of LOVE.